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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Sparrows and chicks || Tamil stories for kids

Sparrows and chicks

  A sparrow builds a nest in the middle of a wheat field
  The eggs were incubated.  Chicks on some days
  Emerged.  Keeping her chicks in the eye
  Raised Sparrow.  The sparrow erupts every morning
  Going out.  Chicks play in the field
  Will contain.

  Chicks play as usual
  Feature.  Ownership of the field
  The farmer and his children came.
  The farmer said to his children, “It's time to harvest
  It is necessary to gather together and reap! ”
  That said.  The children were also headstrong.

  The sparrows were afraid.
  The mother sparrow came and told what had happened.  "We are
  Let's go from here. ”
  “Don't be afraid, children!  We go from here
  The day has not yet come! ”
  The next day, as it said, the next
  But the people of the day did not come.  Some days passed.

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  Back in the day, the farmer returns to the field with his children
  Cohn, wheat as the wind began to beat
  The bells were scattered across the field.
  The farmer who showed it to the children said, “No more
  Lust makes the first one worse.  Anyone
  We may come and reap the day unexpectedly. "

  The chicks told what happened after the mother's birth.
  The mother said, "So we are right away
  It's time to move on.  When
  Deciding to work for yourself without trusting others
  There will be no delay after Vitano. ”
  Immediately she took her chicks and from there

  Justice: and others who depend on time
  They lose the benefits,

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